How Insurers can do more
to delight their customers
and save on costs?
Insurance is a risk transfer business with considerable scope for anti-selection. Hence, an insurance transaction of sale or service involves unique activities of due diligence (Underwriting, Claims adjudication), which would require number of real time checks across data sets. If the foundation system of insurers does not allow for unified Straight Through Processing (STP) and real time results, digital transformation to provide the exceptional customer experience may not happen. To enable true backend agility and flexibility, AETINS can implement a set of Digital Transformation Solutions (DTS), which enables real time and STP.
Let us share an example of how we have successfully helped one of our clients to overcome challenges without retiring their existing legacy solutions..
Legacy core system with Islands of other functional systems, which do not interact with each other.
- Almost 100% of cases go through underwriting referral. Thus, the digital portals are limited to proposal submission or issuance of simple policies.
- Junior assessors go through each case and navigate through different requirements to determine if it can proceed for Issuance or next level referral.
- Underwriters who get the referred cases, have to manually navigate through different systems to check on information, track and follow up on pending requirements.
- Lead time to issue policy takes days, or even weeks.
- As the business volume increased, staff workload increased, requiring more staff and training.
- High numbers of human errors and omissions during checking.
- A mix of software tools and papers, causes confusion and bottlenecks.
- Significant processing time causes missing SLA’s.
AETINS implemented Digital Transformation Solution, which strategically helped in increasing business and assisted them to overcome operational challenges with a foundation laid for continuous process improvement:
- Assisting organization of data across system for ready consumption and real time operational decision making.
- Identifying all rules, converting them into components, exposing as API’s for consumption of all distribution and direct channels.
- Aligning the complete process with customer intent. Enabling STP in real time for bulk of cases without human intervention. Therefore, bottlenecks were removed.
- Bringing transparency into referral cases, to enable process improvement to increase STP rate.
- Standardizing processes across product lines and product variations. Seamlessly addressing exception flows as a natural extension to standard process.
- “User Buddy” concept. Provides a unified view of all information required to make decisions. No need for user to visit different systems.
- Removing all paper movement and making 100% digital.
- Complete measurement of SLA, enabling to view exception cases, assess reasons for it and improve the process to accommodate such scenarios in future.
- Integrating with different external Third-Party Administrator (TPA) systems as part of flow.
- 70% of cases undergo increased STP rates with ongoing optimizations.
- Improvement in turnaround time to process new applications.
- Automated follow-ups, escalations, and workflows. Removed mundane services.
- More than 50% increase in staff productivity
- Faster response time to client on underwriting decision and pending requirements
- Around 50% of capacity at an enterprise level off-loaded, while improving customer experiences and minimizing operational risks.
- Competitive edge for business expansion.